The Acorn Society is helping to grow the Oakwood of tomorrow

For those who have experienced the magic of Oakwood and feel invested in providing for the future of our School, making an estate gift and joining the Acorn Society is a great option. Oakwood School has grown, and thrived, thanks to the loyal and generous support of people whose lives have been touched and transformed. Learn how you can make a gift that will impact students for years to come while honoring the place that made an impact on you or your family.

The Acorn Society recognizes and honors those who have included Oakwood School in their estate plans. You will join others similarly committed to supporting Oakwood School’s long-term prosperity. Your gift will sustain our school in profound and pragmatic ways, ensuring your lasting legacy for future generations of students.

Legacy Giving Made Easy and Affordable

Creating your Oakwood legacy can be a simple and quick process. If you have a will or trust, consider adding the School as a beneficiary. Better yet, include Oakwood as a beneficiary on your IRA or other retirement account. If you would like to discuss these and other legacy gift options, please contact Director of Advancement, Nancy Leptuch Virrey or Lori Urban, Major Gifts Officer.

Acknowledging and Honoring Legacy Donors

Those who so generously make a legacy gift to Oakwood, will join a special group of legacy donors as a member of our Acorn Society. Acorn Society members will receive a gift from Oakwood as a symbol of our deep appreciation. You will also be invited to periodic celebratory events and will be honored with special recognition in the Annual Report. Those who wish to give anonymously will not have their names disclosed.

On behalf of the entire Oakwood family, thank you for your exceptional generosity and leadership.

Members of the Acorn Society

Anonymous (3)
Alene Bricken*
Marcia Burnam*
Meryl & Michael Chae
Ti Aguirre & Jaime Dominguez
Anita Hirsh*
Marta Kauffman
Lee Miller*
Michael Marshall & Melissa Palmer
Sandy & Cheyney Ryan ES ’59
Nancy Leptuch Virrey & David Virrey
